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think hard about中文是什么意思

用"think hard about"造句"think hard about"怎么读"think hard about" in a sentence


  • 非常困难地思考


  • Think hard about security ; it is hard
  • You have to give a talk early on ; having thought hard about what you intend to do makes your talk more believable
  • Our understanding of the anomalous composition of the xenon came only after we thought harder about how this gas was born
  • Asked for his best non - football memory from his time in england , he thinks hard about it , taking a long look at the ceiling
  • Tmac would not be untouchable . . . . . . it would all depend on who you get back , if you can get a ray allen type of player you think hard about it
    麦蒂不再是非卖品。 。 。 。 。就看你能换回谁了,如果你得到是雷阿伦式的球员,你该认真考虑下。
  • But when an opportunity presents itself , i have always told myself to think hard about whether or not to take the opportunity , in spite of what others might think or say
  • Caravaggio , who was a very imaginative and uncompromising young artist , thought hard about what it must have been like when an elderly , poor , working man , a simple publican , suddenly had to sit down to write a book
用"think hard about"造句  


  • think hard about 意味
  • think hard aboutとは意味~について一心に[真剣{しんけん}に?熱心{ねっしん}に?首をひねって?胸に手を当てて?慎重に]考える、~について知恵を絞る、~について考え込む
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